- Successfully petitioned college administration for the first entirely elected student council, with additional
positions to advance student responsibilities and financial independence - Elected to represent 1,000 medical students on issues primarily concerning academics,
room & boarding, student safety, and overall medical school experience - Advocated and negotiated for the student body in meetings with student interest groups, faculty heads,
college/university administration, and local public officials - Compiled student data and interviewed for national/international academic accreditation agencies
Srineil Vuthaluru and Pranav Mishra cast their ballots in the first fully democratic KMC Student Council elections (Feb 2016) Medical students coordinated by the Student Council join Manipal University and set the Guinness World Record for “most Participants in a hand sanitising relay” (Oct 15, 2016) VP Pranav Mishra successfully petitions Manipal University’s administration to fight illegal price gouging by nearby vendors (Mar 2016)
Representing Kasturba Medical College, Manipal (KMC):
- New York State Education Department
- National Assessment and Accreditation Council
Representing KMC Medical Students
- Dean’s Committee
- Judicial Committee
- First / Second Year Orientations
- Cultural Committee
- Mess Committee
- Hostel Committee
- Indo-German Convention of Lindau Alumni
- International Quiz for Medical Undergraduates
Note that the date of publication on this post was backdated to reflect the original time of the article’s event.